We now offer a wide range of modalities to our patients virtually. Currently, with the state of our country, we want to make sure you and you're loved ones can be attended to with our provided services. Our FREE consultation questionnaire informs us of your conditions. Upon finishing this questionnaire we will contact you to schedule a zoom or phone meeting.
What is covered during these sessions:
Full intake of your medical history
TCM Diagnosis
TCM Treatment Plan
Acupuncture tapping
Customized Herbal formulas
Customized flower essence
Customized homeopathic formulations
Customized supplementation plan
Exercise program customized for the individual
Diet/nutrition customized for the individual
TCM nutrition consultation
TCM Breathing exercises
TCM Massage exercises
*Immunity Bioscan
*Evox: to reframe the perception
*Additional costs if needed. Everything we provide and formulate is based on each individual condition. Some items may not be needed.
Acupuncture Services Forms
Acupuncture Intake/Colorado Mandatory Disclosure
Statement and Informed Consent.
Acupuncture Arbitration Agreement
Acupuncture Patient Disclosure Authorization Form