Acupuncture effectively treats several gynecological disorders. Commonly treated conditions include painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea), PMS and absence of menstruation (amenorrhea). Acupuncture therapy and Chinese herbal medicine can treat and relieve the symptoms of many other gynecological conditions as well.
Women treated with acupuncture for dysmenorrhea, or painful menstruation, may have complete cessation of pain for several consecutive menstrual periods. Acupuncture can help to greatly minimize or alleviate altogether the discomfort and common pain experienced during menstruation. Acupuncture treatment regulates the body’s qi (vital force) circulation, which aids in prevention of cramps in future menstrual cycles. Your acupuncture physician may also recommend Chinese herbal medicine in conjunction with acupuncture to assist in maintaining smooth circulation of the body’s qi.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is the cyclic recurrence of a group of symptoms that occur prior to menstruation. Breast tenderness, bloating, insomnia, pelvic pain, irritability, mood swings, poor concentration, and appetite changes characterize this condition. Acupuncture stabilizes the hormonal fluctuations that cause PMS. It also provides deep relaxation that helps to calm the mind. The treatment of PMS with acupuncture requires a commitment for at least three cycles to determine the exact qi imbalance and the most effective treatment. Acupuncture will generally aid in reducing the pain and other symptoms associated with PMS.
The causes of amenorrhea, the absence of menstruation, include certain genetic defects, body structure abnormalities or endocrine disorders. Symptoms may include headaches, vision problems, nausea, unusual thirst, swollen breasts, liver disease, and kidney failure. Acupuncture can improve the hormonal imbalances that may be associated with amenorrhea. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine aim to restore normal menstruation by strengthening the body, regulating hormones and stimulating blood flow to the pelvic organs.
A comprehensive treatment plan for gynecological disorders may include a combination of acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine, massage, dietary suggestions, and/or specific exercises that enhance vitality/qi flow.
Source: Healing Orchid