B12 (Methylcobalamin)
What is Methylcobalamin?
Methylcobalamin circulates through the bloodstream and is one of two naturally-occurring coenzyme forms of vitamin B12 that the body utilizes. Adenosylcobalamin is the other form sometimes used in the dietary supplement industry. The body needs B12 to convert homocysteine to methionine, protect DNA and RNA, support energy, protect nerve and brain cells, stimulate serotonin production, contribute to red blood cell formation, support immune function, and maintain a positive mood.
What’s so great about Methylcobalamin?
Hydroxocobalamin is the main B12 form found in meat, fish, and dairy products. Cyanocobalamin is a common but synthetic B12 that is often added to foods, and the body must use precious energy to convert this form into methylcobalamin. This B12 form has a higher stability and bioavailability and doesn’t require conversion. These next 4 facts will explain the benefits of methylcobalamin.
1. Increases Available Physical Energy
Every chemical reaction in the body expends energy. When the body needs to convert a vitamin into a form the body can use, this reaction also requires energy. For example, supplementing with the cyanocobalamin form of B12 requires the body to expend energy that removes the cyanide molecule and replaces it with a methyl group. Taking methylcobalamin as a B12 supplement eliminates the need for this extra chemical reaction.
2. Encourages Detox
Methyl groups activate hundreds of chemical reactions throughout the body. One such process includes triggering detox reactions. This includes the removal of heavy metals, environmental toxins, and waste products.
3. Supports Brain and Nerve Health
Methylcobalamin is the only form of B12 that can cross the blood-brain barrier without assistance or conversion. Its methyl group stimulates serotonin creation, a neurotransmitter responsible for mood support. It also works directly on brain cells to protect against damage from excitotoxins. [1] Researchers have found large doses of methylcobalamin may offer therapeutic value for those suffering from ALS and multiple sclerosis. [2] [3] This is the only form of B12 that acts on the nervous system.
4. Neutralizes Homocysteine
High homocysteine levels is undesirable and known to be an indicator of heart disease and stroke risk. Free homocysteine in the blood causes sclerosis of the arteries, putting strain on the vascular system and the heart. One of the primary reactions of methylcobalamin is to convert homocysteine to methionine, reducing the potential for damage. Outcomes from this reaction include the formation of cysteine, a precursor to the super-antioxidant glutathione. Methionine also contributes to the formation of adenosylcobalamin, the other form of B12 used by the body in mitochondrial energy creation, the foundation for all human energy.
Source: Global Healing Center